Mongoose Bodyworks

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Pilates and Scoliosis in Soho NYC

Pilates and Scoliosis in Soho NYC

Scoliosis is a medical condition involving sideways curvatures of the spine.  When looking at the spine from behind a scoliotic spine makes either an “S” or “C” shape instead of a straight vertical line. Scoliosis usually begins in adolescence but may also develop in...

Balancing the Rib to Pelvis Cylinder

Balancing the Rib to Pelvis Cylinder

An Article for Pilates Instructors and Enthusiasts The rib to pelvis cylinder is the myofascial cylinder that connects and relates the lower rib cage to the pelvis. This group of muscles include the quadratus lumborum, psoas, all 4 layers of the abdominals, latissimus...

Pilates and Sciatica Relief

Pilates and Sciatica Relief

The term sciatica refers to the symptoms associated with irritation to the sciatic nerve. The symptoms may include numbness, tingling, loss of sensation or weakness on the affected leg. The condition that causes the nerve irritation is either from disc pathology,...

Prenatal Pilates in Soho NYC

Prenatal Pilates in Soho NYC

Pregnancy is a time of great physical change. Having an educated Pilates instructor to guide you through these times can be not only helpful but essential to avoiding injury and staying healthy. Prenatal Pilates during the first trimester As with any exercise program...

Pilates and Pregnancy

Pilates and Pregnancy

Most women who maintain regular exercise regimens tend to voice the same concerns about fitness—whether they’re pregnant or not. How can I tone my arms? How can I avoid injury? and Should I get a personal trainer? are universal queries; and in reality, it’s the...